BotProgramming Basics

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The robots in Gladiabots are autonomous and obey their Artificial Intelligence (AI). Bots can only execute one of the possible actions at a time. The AIs task is to determine what action to use in the current situation. Each bot checks its AI counterclockwise, searching for the first valid branch leading to an action.

Example AI.png

The AI of a bot is shaped like an upside down tree. It can be composed of the following elements:

Element Description
Root node Each AI contains exactly one root node that defines the starting point of the AI check. Nodes linked from the bottom of the root node are evaluated counterclockwise. The root node indicates the name of the AI.
Action node If a rectangular-shaped action node is evaluated valid during AI check, the described action is executed for the current tick. An action node is considered invalid if the bot cannot perform it.
Condition node If an oval-shaped condition node is evaluated valid during AI check, the nodes linked from the bottom of the condition node are evaluated counterclockwise. A condition node is considered invalid if the current situation doesn't fit it.
Connector node The diamond-shaped connector node is always evaluated valid during AI check. It connects every node linked to the top of the connector node with every node linked from the bottom of the connector node. A connector node can be used to simplify the layout of the AI.
Sub-AI node One can reuse an AI inside another one, by using a Sub-AI node. When evaluating this node the whole sub-AI is checked for a valid action. A sub-AI can again contain its own sub-AIs.
Link A link is a directed connection from the bottom of one node to the top of another node.
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