Special entities

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Modes: Collection, Domination

Resources can be scored into bases.

In Domination, you can also capture enemy and neutral bases to convert them into ally bases over time. Ally bases score points over time. Having more than one bot on a base makes it score and capture faster.


Modes: Collection

Resources are entities that can be captured and scored to a base. Each resource scores one point.

Force fields

Modes: Domination, Elimination

A force field being captured.

Once a bot has captured a force field, the damage it takes are reduced by 70% (100 damage points become 30 damage points). It has no impact on the bot's health. Only one bot at a time can capture a force field.

Health packs

Modes: Elimination

A health pack being captured.

When a bot catches a health pack, its health is refilled to its max capacity. It has no impact on the bot's shield. Health packs spawn randomly on the map and along the match.