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(Created page with "* Connectors : They are always evaluated as "True". Though they do not execute any computation or action, they have an interesting, though not commonly used or advised, use....")
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* Connectors :
Moved to [[bot programming]].
They are always evaluated as "True". Though they do not execute any computation or action, they have an interesting, though not commonly used or advised, use.
Connectors are the GOTOs of AIs. And just like any programming language, GOTOs here too are considered "bad" code. Still, they can save you a lot of work sometimes.
* Sub-AIs :
Ever have a group of Nodes that you regularly use, and the same thing is present in your AI again and again? Sub-AIs are used like Macros. You can just make an AI with the commonly used group of Nodes, and then add this as a Sub-AI in your main AI. Sub-AIs tend to improve game performance (more Nodes make the game laggier)
You can also use Sub-AIs to make Hybrids out of existing AIs. Remember, Sub-AIs are essentially AIs linking other AIs.

Revision as of 14:14, 3 October 2017

Moved to bot programming.